道地德國酸裸麥麵包700g -Roggenmischbrot (50%)- Authentic German Rye Bread(50%)


道地的德國酸裸麥麵包配方,50 % 的裸麥粉,再加上自家養的酸裸麥麵種,烘焙出最道地的德國味。紮實但不硬的麵包心,微鹹、微酸、微甘、還有裸麥香,是麵包界的重烘焙口味。搭配各式起司和火腿,是德國人最愛的點心和晚餐。只要你認識德國,就會了解這是一款經點且普遍的國民麵包。裸麥麵包,好處超多,無糖、低 G I、健康又不會胖。

50% of German rye flour,  with long hours proofing rye sourdough, baked in the high temperature, just like the flavor from Germany bakeries. It’s heavy, condense, and strong, but the smell and taste are fascinating.


重量 : 700 克

保存:出爐當天的狀態最好吃,冷凍保存一個月,解凍後 3 天。加熱方式:切片狀平底鍋加熱1~2分鐘即可。大圓狀,表面噴水,烤箱 180 度 10 ~15 分鐘。

Ingredients : wheat flour, German rye flour, German rye sourdough, sea salt, homemade grapeseeds oil, pure water

Weight : 500 g

Storage : Fresh baked in 3 days. Keep frozen up to 1 Months. Consume in 2 days after defrost.

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